3rings : Magical Seascapes from Wall Pepper

The sea has a major inspiration this year for textile designers around the world, and we’re loving the environments being created with the tiles, wallcoverings, and accessories. One such installation, called Wallpepper, from Italian illustrator Tiziana Pesenti in Milan last month was especially notable.

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Rather than just wallpaper to accent the room, the eco- friendly, easy to hang and remove decals become the focus and transform a room into a whole new environment.


The Milan project was done in conjunction with Wall Pepper, a graphics company that can take any image and print it onto large scale adhesive fabric that can stick to anything, transforming any room into a dream space.


from Designer PagesDesigner Pages – Just another 3rings Sites site http://media.designerpages.com/3rings/2016/05/08/magical-seascapes-from-wall-pepper/
via http://media.designerpages.com

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